The Coding Space Scholarship Application
Thank you for your interest in our scholarship program. We are currently accepting Spring 2024 applications. If you have any questions about this form or The Coding Space program, please feel free to reach out to  
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Scholarship Qualification

The Coding Space offers need-based full and partial (50%) scholarships. Please apply with that in mind. 
Please note: Submitting an application DOES NOT guarantee receiving a scholarship. Only SELECTED applicants will be notified, and all notifications will be made by email before and throughout the semester. Thank you.

Parent Name *
Email *
Student Name *
Student Age *
How does your child identify (racially and/or ethnically)? Please note this is an optional question.
Gender *
Phone Number *
Which after school class are you interested in? (For example, Tuesday UES Beginner Coding Class).
Select the type of scholarship you are applying for. *
Select the semester you are applying for *
What type of class are you looking for? *
How interested is your child in this program? *
In 3-5 sentences, please share why your child would like to be a part of our scholarship program. *
What previous coding experience does your child have? *
How did you hear about us? If referred, please include the referral source's full name. *
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