The Loud House - A Bowl of Trouble
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#1 What event is Lincoln very excited to go to? *
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#2 Lincoln is wearing the constume of... *
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#3 What problem does Lincoln find in the house? *
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#4 What does Lola like to tell Lincoln? *
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#5 Lincoln's dad is angry. What is Lincoln's punishment? *
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#6  Which sister says she wants to help Lincoln? *
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#7 Luna says it couldn't be her because she... *
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#8 Lola says it couldn't be her because she... *
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#9 What does Lana find that broke the toilet? *
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#10  Which sister's comic book is it? *
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#11 Who do the girls tease (make fun of) for breaking the toilet? *
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#12 What does Lucy give Lincoln in the end? *
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