Membership Form
Dear Friends,

It’s time to renew your membership for Minyan Tehillah. Why renew this year? To keep in touch with, fully participate in, and support our community.

You will notice our suggested dues have not changed. Most of our expenses, in spite of the pandemic, have remained the same and will continue to remain the same for the upcoming year as we plan to return to TBS as our regular davening location.

Remember, the amounts for dues are suggested. Pay an amount that fits your life situation. The most important thing is to renew, and fill out your info so we can all support each other during this difficult time.

Will you join our community this year?
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Please enter your and your family's contact information below.
Name: *
E-mail address: *
If you are not currently receiving Minyan Tehillah's weekly emails and would like to be added to the email list, please check here.
If you are new to minyan membership, please provide your details. Otherwise, if there are no changes, please proceed with the survey. *
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