Sai v TSA support survey
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After having been harassed many times at the hands of the TSA, in addition to making FOIA / Privacy Act requests for documents related to two of the times the TSA violated my civil rights (and their own rules), I made a fairly major FOIA request to the TSA.

The major request covers *all* of the TSA's Management Directives, Standard Operating Procedures, Operations Directives, Security Directives, Emergency Amendments, Information Circulars, Memoranda, Handbooks, Letters, Bulletins, and Guidance not yet disclosed — basically, all of the TSA's official policy and procedures documents. As some highlights, this includes things like their official screening procedures (the current version is _not_ publicly available); the orders they issued to airlines in the wake of 9/11; their procedures for disciplining employees who violate civil rights or make up new "rules"; their security programs; their rules about disabled passengers, identification requirements, etc etc etc.

I think that all of these documents are of significant public interest. Perhaps you do too.

Alas, the TSA doesn't feel like obeying Federal law, and has stalled me (illegally) for a year now. So I've filed suit to force them to comply with the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act. See for the updated legal situation.

A lot of my success will hinge on the breadth of support and interest in having these documents released. And you know what that means: it's social network time!

So… I'd like to ask for your support. If you'd like to see this happen, please take a moment to answer this survey, and *share this widely*!



- Sai

Twitter: @saizai
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I promise not to spam you, sell it, or anything like that. This is just so I can notify you of updates. My email address is
How much ($USD) would you be willing to contribute towards making this happen? (PayPal: Bitcoin: recurring, one-time) *
This will help pay for e.g. "search" or "duplication" fees, legal costs, filing fees, etc — as well as my basic living expenses.
Would you be willing to send me a letter explaining why you think the documents I asked for would benefit you and the public to be disclosed? *
A simple PDF explaining why the documents I'm asking for would benefit the public (and you) to be publicly disclosed, addressed "to whom it may concern", sent to, is all it takes. The letter would be made part of the public record in court.
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If yes to any of the above, would you be interested in formally joining my request or in publishing or otherwise using the documents produced?
Please explain your affiliation, how you could help or use these documents, and any caveats
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