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After having been harassed many times at the hands of the TSA, in addition to making FOIA / Privacy Act requests for documents related to two of the times the TSA violated my civil rights (and their own rules), I made a fairly major FOIA request to the TSA.
The major request covers *all* of the TSA's Management Directives, Standard Operating Procedures, Operations Directives, Security Directives, Emergency Amendments, Information Circulars, Memoranda, Handbooks, Letters, Bulletins, and Guidance not yet disclosed — basically, all of the TSA's official policy and procedures documents. As some highlights, this includes things like their official screening procedures (the current version is _not_ publicly available); the orders they issued to airlines in the wake of 9/11; their procedures for disciplining employees who violate civil rights or make up new "rules"; their security programs; their rules about disabled passengers, identification requirements, etc etc etc.
I think that all of these documents are of significant public interest. Perhaps you do too.
Alas, the TSA doesn't feel like obeying Federal law, and has stalled me (illegally) for a year now. So I've filed suit to force them to comply with the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act. See for the updated legal situation.
A lot of my success will hinge on the breadth of support and interest in having these documents released. And you know what that means: it's social network time!
So… I'd like to ask for your support. If you'd like to see this happen, please take a moment to answer this survey, and *share this widely*!
- Sai
http://s.aiTwitter: @saizai