Academic Session: 2020-2021
Email *
Name of the Student *
University Reg. No. of the Student *
University Roll No. of the Student *
Course: *
Semester *
1. The syllabus was: *
2. Your background for benefiting from the course was: *
3. Was the course conceptually difficult to understand?: *
4. How much of the syllabus was covered in class?: *
5. What is your opinion about the library materials for the course?: *
6. Were you able to get the prescribed books from the library?: *
7. What is your opinion about the behavior of the Librarian? *
8. How well did the teacher prepare for class?: *
9. How well was the teacher able to communicate? *
10. Did the teacher encourage student participation in class? *
11.    If the teacher encourage student participation in class, which of the following methods were used? *
12. How helpful was the teacher in advising? *
13. Was the teacher? *
14. Did the internal assessment or Test Exam work? *
15. How did the teacher provide feedback on your performance? *
16. Was there any opportunity for personal interaction with teachers? *
17. Were you provided with a course and lecture outline at the beginning? *
18. Was it helpful? *
19. Were outsider experts invited to address you?/Departmental seminar held? *
20. How do you rate the student-teacher relationship in the Department/College as a whole? *
21. How do you find the College's administrative offices & Non-Teaching Staffs? *
22. How do you rate the health care facilities? *
23. Did you participate in any of the extra- curricular activities of the Department /College? *
24. After leaving the College how will you talk about it? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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