'Businesses in Need' Directory Sign Up Form
Small businesses have been hit hard by this year's recent weather events including floods and Cyclone Gabrielle. We want to help local businesses on the road to recovery by driving traffic to your website or fundraising page or by selling vouchers for your business on your behalf. Listing in this directory is free and no commission will be charged on purchases of vouchers*.

Want to be part of GrabOne's 'Businesses in Need' Directory?
Sign up by completing all the fields in this form, so one of our team can make contact with you regarding next steps.
Email *
First & last name *
Business name *
Website link *
Phone number *
Tell us about your business *
What would you like your 'Businesses in Need' listing to promote? *
* Please note 1.98% of voucher purchases will be retained to cover payment processing fees
If you are linking to an existing fundraising page, please provide that link
How long would you like your business to be listed on our GrabOne 'Businesses in Need' directory? (please indicate the end date) *
Are there any special terms and conditions that need to be mentioned on your offer? *
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