“Khuyay Tusoq Hampiq ” - Learning to be a Loving Apprentice to Sacred Medicines
Deepening relationship with the Shamanic Universe and Sacred Plant Teachers through devoted personal practice.
This year of apprenticeship will be a deep dive learning container to:
Learn how to cultivate direct communication with Plant Spirits.
Develop a deep, loving relationship with Plant Spirits and Guides.
Receive guidance directly from Plant Spirits as to the ceremonial path and personal approach to healing with the plants.
Learn how to receive true, good, and clear sanction from Plant Spirit medicines, Guardians of Ayni, Benevolent Guides, Pachamama, and Great Spirit.
Learn how to align your life and ceremonial work to the power of Nature, the cycles of Earth, Sun, and Moon, as well as the unique medicine power of the land.
With a fully activated heart, body, and mind, learn how to distinguish Truth, distortion, and meet adversarial energies within you (we have to learn this within ourselves first, before we can help support others in this way.)
Build the Kallpa (power base) of your sacred healing container and Mesa, through devoted offerings, pilgrimage, and focused practice.
Learn the Way of Reverence as the foundation to any further service to and with the Sacred Plant Medicines.
Learn and embody “The Circles of Sanctuary”.
In year one we will be guiding you to develop the core PSMC competencies of:
Clear consistent direct communication with Master Teacher Plant and Spirit Guides, so as to be their assistant.
Deep relationship rooted in love, devotion, and Ayni with Plant Spirit and Benevolent Guides
Practiced ability to remain coherent, clear, grounded, and calm within expanded states of consciousness.
Has a strong healthy mind, body, and fortified stable resilient bio-field- only practices offering ceremony for others when personally well. Has the tools and support of the community to return to wellness through life’s curveballs.
Embodied understanding of true healing, the role of the PSMC, and is able to consistently create the energetic and 3-D conditions in which true healing occurs.
Absolute devotion to living a daily life of service to All of Life.
Absolute devotion to mature self-care, personal practice, personal shadow work.
100% commitment to Truth, impeccable with words and actions, and repair of personal error or unintentional harm
****The first year of apprenticeship is for the Personal Creation of Deep Relationship with your chosen Master Teacher Plant/s (this apprenticeship is not limited to anyone plant, but will support you to learn the way to develop this direct spiritual connection to any plant teacher.) Many may choose to only embark on year 1 of the training to radically deepen in the personal connection and love of the plants and to become more empowered within their individual journey of healing and awakening.
This year of immersive learning with the plants will illuminate each apprentice’s sacred path of service and if in their calling is to move forward with the next level and year of focused apprenticeship.
This in-person and online container offers absolutely unique and lineage sanctioned mentorship and energetic support for the steep and intense learning curve with the master teacher plants through:
A step by step guided and radically supported process to become a plant spirit medicine ceremonialist with the master teacher plants
Bimonthly group teaching & mentorship video calls (Every other Wednesday- 1:30-3:30pm PST)
Quarterly guest teachers including don Oscar Miro-Quesada & Cindy Miro-Quesada and other ceremonial guides we love and respect who will offer specific teachings on the nature of being a fully integral practitioner of the sacred arts- the gifts, the challenges, and the power of initiation
In-depth mentorship and support (energetically and practically) from Darcy and Robin
2 personal mentorship calls with both Robin and Darcy each year
2 Group in-person 5 day Retreats and Immersions at Star River Sanctuary to open and close the year long ceremonial container
Continuing your own healing journey in a radically empowered way- Our path of healing is our path of service.
Direct initiation and empowerment through the Pachakuti Mesa Lineage, Benevolent Guides, Plant Spirits, and Guardians of Ayni
Every step of the way is learning the shamanic, multi-dimensional levels, and complexities of space holding through direct personal practice
Teachings on the vast complexities of the shamanic realities and the absolute necessity of aligned ethics of ceremonial practice and offering (This may not be able to be taught entirely in 3 years, but we will aim to give you the the foundational wisdom and skillful means to have the tools to build a practice upon.)
Prioritized Opportunities to be Darcy and Robin’s ceremonial support and learn hands on as support roles for our ceremonial work (This is at 50% cost of event plus agreed upon trade support for each event.)
What will be required for successful completion of program by each student:
-A personal Paqowachu and pilgrimage for completion of each year of ceremonial initiation.
-Plus at least 13 personal ceremonies each year to develop sanction from plants, lineage, and Source to be of service in ever more expanding levels
-This is an authentic, initiatory, lineage guided, and radically supported Apprenticeship in the sacred ceremonial healing arts of the Master Teacher Plants that will require at least 2 hours per week of study time, 1-3 hour per week of personal practice, 4 hours a month of online class time, at least 1 personal ceremony a moon cycle, and daily devotion to embodying the teachings
- Required readings, written material, and creative assignments. More will be shared of the personal requirements of each initiate to successfully complete this radically unique curriculum.
-All above the above criteria must be met for advancement into Year 2 of the Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremonialist Apprenticeship- The Way of Compassion.
This is a “masters” level learning container and will invite each initiate into the “driver's seat” of your own learning and relationship to the plant spirits. In making this year long commitment, it is up to each initiate to organize your life and time, to prioritize this process.