Words Their Way Training 10-13-2017
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Identify those statements that directly apply to this professional development. *
Check ALL that apply.
Indicate the outcome(s) of this professional development. *
Check ALL that apply.
The outcomes of this professional development were clearly identified as the knowledge and/or skills that I should gain as a result of my participation. *
1) Disagree,     2) Somewhat Agree,    3) Agree,    4) Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree
This professional development will impact my professional growth or student growth in regards to content knowledge or skills, or both. *
1) Disagree,     2) Somewhat Agree,    3) Agree,    4) Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree
This professional development will impact my social and emotional growth or student social and emotional growth. *
1) Disagree,     2) Somewhat Agree,    3) Agree,    4) Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree
The materials and presentation techniques utilized were well-organized and engaging. *
1) Disagree,     2) Somewhat Agree,    3) Agree,    4) Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree
Overall, the presenter appeared to be knowledgeable of the content provided. *
1) Disagree,     2) Somewhat Agree,    3) Agree,    4) Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree
The professional development aligned to my district or school improvement plans. *
1) Disagree,     2) Somewhat Agree,    3) Agree,    4) Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree
As a result of this workshop, do you feel you have gained practical and applicable knowledge that relates to your duties? *
If "Yes", feel free to summarize.
Please share any general comments or suggestions.
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