Wildfire Management - What weather and climate information do stakeholders need?
As part of the FP7 EUPORIAS project we are considering the value of seasonal fire risk forecast information to the wildfire management community.
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What is your involvement in wildfire management? *
In what region or country is your involvement based? *
If you are decision maker in wildfire management, on what timescales do you make these decisions? *
Choose all that apply
If you are decision maker in wildfire management, on what spatial scales do you make these decisions? *
Choose all that apply
Do you make any decisions that rely on the weather or climate? *
Could you describe briefly any decisions that rely on the weather or climate?
Thinking specifically about weeks to months ahead, do you make any decisions on these timescales? *
Please describe briefly these decisions
Do you use any weather forecast information on these timescales? *
If yes, please can you say a bit more about what you use and how it's provided?
If a seasonal (weeks to months ahead) forecast of temperature and rainfall was available and reliable, would you use it? *
If a seasonal (weeks to months ahead) forecast of fire risk (an index based on weather variables) was available and reliable, would you use it? *
If you use seasonal forecast information, what is your experience? *
Check all that apply
Feel free to explain your answer in more detail
Do you have any further comments about your use of weather or climate information in decision making?
Further contact
If you are happy for someone from the project to contact you further about your answers and our research please provide your email address
If you don't use seasonal forecast information, why not? *
Check all that apply
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