addition and substraction
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Name *
School,taluka,district *
School,taluka,district *
42,311 + 6536624 = *
1 point
3,17,529 +8,04,613= *
1 point
12,42,746 + 4,83,748  = *
1 point
24,12,636 + 23,19,058 = *
1 point
2,654 + 71,209 + 5,03,789 = *
1 point
29 + 726 + 51,36,274 = *
1 point
14,02,649 +524 + 28,13,749 = *
1 point
23,45,678 +9,87,654 = *
1 point
22 + 6,047 +3,84,527 = *
1 point
2,345 + 65,432 + 76,54,369 = *
1 point
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