2025 Kaposia Days Board of Directors Application
We are so excited to see you here! Thank you for your interest in Kaposia Days and helping create a wonderful, safe and fun festival for our community.

Please complete the formal application to be considered for a position on the Kaposia Days Board of Directors.

Applications are due by Friday, August 30. 

All applicants will be invited to the September board meeting fora Meet and Greet." The current Kaposia Days Board of Directors will vote for each applicants nomination on to the Board of Directors.  If you have any questions, please email info@kaposiadays.org.

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Email *
First and Last Name *
Email Address *
Home Address *
Phone Number *
Why are you interested in serving on the Kaposia Days Board? *
What Kaposia Days events are you most interested in supporting/volunteering for? *
Why is Kaposia Days important to you? *
What is your favorite part about South St. Paul? *
What, if any, conflicts could prevent you from regularly attending the monthly board meetings? Our meetings occur on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:30pm. *
What activities, boards or associations have you been a part of previously? Or are currently involved with? *
Do you have any new event ideas for Kaposia Days? If so, what are they? *
What skills do you bring to the board? *
What does community mean to you? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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