Courtside Support Request Form
This form is to request a Court Support Volunteer. Court Support volunteers provide practical, procedural, and emotional support to individuals for their court hearings. This can include checking in prior to the court date, providing support day-of, and following up to recap what happened.

Court Support volunteers cannot provide legal advice or legal representation. Also, please avoid discussion of the charges as these volunteers are not protected by attorney-client privilege. Court Support volunteers also will not always provide transportation, but if this is a barrier you face in getting to court, please let us know!

Currently, you can request a Court Support volunteer in Benton and Washington County Circuit and District Courts. It is not guaranteed after completion of this form that someone will be there with you, but we will let you know as soon as possible if that is the case.

For any other questions, please send us an email at
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First Name *
Last Name *
Name of Person with Court Appearance *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Date of Court Appearance *
Time of Court Appearance *
Court/Police Department Location  *
Is this in District, Circuit Court, or at a Police Station? *
Is this a felony or misdemeanor charge(s)? *
Type of Court Appearance (if known)
Name of Judge (if known)
Brief Description of Support Needed (questions on courtroom procedure, moral support, observer etc) *
Do you acknowledge that court support volunteers provide practical, procedural, and emotional support, but do not provide legal advice or representation? *
Do our volunteers have your consent to text you prior to the court hearing? *
Do you have any additional comments or information?
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