Contribute trek photos to the Indiahikes database
For us, a trek goes beyond adventure and beautiful scenery. A trek can impact your mind, body, and spirit. Photographs and videos can do that too. Your photos can go a long way in inspiring someone to trek. 

Regarding copyright: Copyright for all images submitted as a participant remains with the respective photographers. However, each photographer grants a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual license to Indiahikes to feature any or all of the submitted images in any of their publications, their websites and/or in any promotional material connected to this competition (with due credit).
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Which trek(s) are you uploading photos of? Name the trek(s) here. *
Please paste the link to your folder of photographs here (Ensure you share access with *
If you're uploading photos of multiple treks, please share individual links to each trek.
When did you do the trek(s)? (Please write the month and the year) *
Link to your Instagram account (optional)
Can we get in touch with you if we need further information about this trek? If yes, please share your phone number here.
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