TASK: Evaluate the following websites.
This test reflects one part of your normal workflow that is small but essential to its success: the website evaluation. There is no absolute wrong or right but we want to understand more about how you think. Don't worry - we will give you an in-depth training before you officially start but for now - just try your best.
How does our ideal websites look like?
- The metrics: DR (domain rating) should be at least 41+, ideally 51+. The organic site traffic should be 1K+.
- It should ideally be built around a product/service, meaning they are selling something and the blog was create to support the website and what it sells, but that's not necessary as long as it's a qualitative informative site.
- The relevancy of the content: if you are looking at at a tech website's blog and you see articles about "Best water filters.." or "How to sleep better at night", or anything that's too off topic, well that's not a good sign.
- The sites doesn't have to be too broad, which means talking about too many different topics, such as tech, marketing, lifestyle, business, finance, science all together.
- The overall design is also really important and you can use your own judgement to evaluate that.
For each website presented, decide whether we should accept a backlink from it. Consider whether you would approve of the link if you had a client whose niche aligns with that of the website. Your decision should be based solely on the website's overall quality, without considering the specific client who would receive the link.
We only accept links from quality websites the kind described above. Explain your decisions (bullet points are fine).
READING MATERIAL: You can use these two articles as extra support for your evaluation:
1. Beginner's guide to link building:
2. Analyzing link prospect :