In The Key Impact Survey
We are super keen to find out how you've been using the resources on the In the Key website and/or socials and in what ways they have made a difference to you or your organization. The survey will only take a couple of minutes to complete but will help us immensely to leverage future funding to continue our work. Thank you so much for your time and input!
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In what ways have you found the In the Key Producer Directory useful (select all that apply)

If you selected some other reason or you have not found the directory useful, please tell us why
Have you visited/used any other of the In the Key resources? (select all that apply)
Please can you tell us if anything has changed for you or your organisation as a result of In the Key content (e.g., anything you have found on the site or social media). 
Please indicate your position on the following scales in response to the statements:

1. I have become more aware of gender imbalance in electronic music production since using the In the Key resources
Not at all (I was already aware)
Much more aware
2. I am now more likely to try to ensure my offering is more gender-mixed
This is now a priority
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If you selected 'No' (1 or 2) in response to Statement 2, is this because
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3. I have found new artists to book for my shows through In the Key  (leave blank if not applicable)
No I did not find anyone
Yes, several
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3. I have found new artists to sign to my record label (or work towards that goal) through In the Key  (leave blank if not applicable)
No I did not find anyone
Yes, several
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3. I have found new artists for my DJ sets through In the Key  (leave blank if not applicable)
No I did not find anyone
Yes, several
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Are there any other ways the In the Key resources have made a difference to you or your organization?
How do you identify your gender?
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City + Country where you reside
What is your age?
What does your organization do? (Select all that apply) If you are freelance, please answer in relation to yourself
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If you selected 'Other' above please tell us more here
What size is your organization?
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Is your business...
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Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve the Directory?
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