2018 Webber Lecture Evaluation
Please answer the following questions in regards to the 25th Annual Webber Lecture in Urban Ministry delivered by Dr. Elaine Padilla on Thursday, October 18, 2018.
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On a scale from 1 to 5, this presentation adequately addressed the issue expressed in the title.
Did not address
Perfectly addressed
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On a scale from 1 to 5, My expectations for this lecture were met.
Expectations not met
Expectations perfectly met
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How did this lecture topic specifically help address issues of ministry in an urban environment?
In which capacity do you serve in your church/ministry? (ex: Pastor, deacon, lay person, etc.)?
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How did you hear about this event? (check all that apply)
Kindly indicate the magazines and journals /radio stations/websites to which you currently subscribe that you think an event like this should be advertised:
How would you rate our staff professionalism and courtesy
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How would you rate our building condition and courtesy
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How would you rate our building location and convenience
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How would you rate your overall satisfaction with this event
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Yes NYTS, I am interested in the (check all that apply):
What would be the best way to contact you regarding program information and future events? (Please include your name and preferred address or email)
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