+ Participatory Democracy, + Active Citizenship
Evaluation questionnaire after the mobility - Šiauliai, 18th - 23rd October, 2021.
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E-mail address *
What is your country? *
Were the objectives of the mobility clear? *
Were the issues on the agenda consistent with the mobility objectives? *
Did all the partners contribute to the success of the meeting? *
Was the meeting useful for establishing good relationships among the students? *
Did the meeting fulfil your expectations? *
Was the time allocated to each issue on the agenda sufficient? *
Did the host partner significantly contribute to install a collaborative working environment? *
Did the meeting allow you to clearly understand the idea of the project? *
Was the accommodation satisfactory for you? *
Are you satisfied with the preparation and organisation of the event? *
In your opinion, how are Students' Councils important in school management? *
In your opinion, how do European clubs help the education for European citizenship? *
How deep is your understanding about Lithuanian parliament? *
How clear were the signs of dictatorship and democracy in Kaunas? *
How much did the project activities develop your awareness of dictatorship and democracy? *
Are you satisfied with the cultural and social programme of the visit? *
In European projects the language is often a problem. What do you think? What percentage of the content was understood during the entire mobility by all the partners? *
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