League of Angels III - Player Suggestions
For all LoA3 Players to submit their improvement suggestions and ideas. We truly value your feedback and your opinions.
Please note the following:
- This form is not to be used for bug reporting, it's only for improvement suggestions and ideas. For bug or player reports please contact our support team.
- We will only accept 1 suggestion in each form response. If you have multiple ideas, please split them and submit them separately.
-We'll try our best to provide weekly feedback from our development team on popularly requested suggestions and there will be polls published every now and then where you can vote for your favorite suggestion! So make sure to visit our forum on a frequent basis.
-If the suggestions are accepted by development team, rewards will be sent via in-game mail  

By submitting this form you give consent for the moderators and support to process and store your in-game character data. No personal information is collected in this form.
The data provided in this form is only used for the purpose of improving the quality and experience of the game.
The data is stored in our cloud services and will be permanently deleted once there is no purpose of keeping it.
We will not share your character details outside of the support or moderation team.
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