Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting Roll20 Feedback Form
Thanks for using the Roll20 conversion of our book! We'd really appreciate your input to make this experience as good as possible. From errors, to inconsistencies, to suggestions on features we could implement, we're all ears. Here some examples of things we'd like to know:

- Tokens/scenes/journals set up incorrectly.
- Broken links.
- Inconsistencies between the module and the book.
- Suggestions on how we could structure the journals better.

Here some things that aren't useful at this point:
- Comments on balance.
- Things you'd like to change about the hunts/book itself.
For stuff like that, head to our Discord: https://discord.gg/bMByGKSngN
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Feel free to submit this form multiple times if you have feedback on different things.
Use the space below to leave us your Discord ID/email in case we have questions about your feedback!
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