Request a Sandcastle Lesson Reservation
Ready to book a sandcastle experience for you and your friends/family? This is where it starts! The more information you give me, the better my understanding of your desires. Note: Your booking is not confirmed until you hear back from me. Note #2: I almost always respond within 24 hours - if you don't hear from me, please check your spam filter for email from or call/text 956-459-2928 - thanks!
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Email *
Contact Name *
contact cell phone number *
(will only be used in case of missed connections)
What kind of lesson? *
Preferred location *
condo, hotel or city beach access #
Preferred date *
(Feel free to include a second choice - we are booking up quickly this summer)
Preferred  start time - we will get as close as we can - feel free to add a second choice in the message field *
How many participants do you expect? *
(people you actually expect to get down and dirty in the sand - anyone over the age of 5, and must include at least one adult)
How many of those participants are under the age of 7?
Anything else you want to tell me?
Have you already had the beginner lesson? Is there a birthday boy/girl in the group?  Ready to learn some more advanced techniques? Prefer a Spanish-speaking instructor? Think you might want to purchase some carving tools or a copy of my book at seriously discounted prices? Help us be prepared to give you what you want!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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