AIG Stakeholder Feedback on BCS 2019-2022 AIG Plan
Beaufort County School's current Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Plan is at this link: .

We request your feedback on the 2019-2022 plan no later than Friday, October 15th to help us continuously improve our services to the AIG population.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
I am a ________ (check all that apply) *
If other, please explain.
What do you like about the current AIG plan? (Please be specific.) *
How can the AIG plan be improved to best meet the needs of our students? (Please be specific.) *
Are you interested in being part of the BCS AIG Advisory Panel during the writing process for the 2021-2022 school year? (The advisory panel will meet virtually once a month. Dates and times TBD.) *
If interested in the advisory panel, please list your name and email address.
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