Customer Service Survey
The Cumberland County Department of Social Services wants to know how well it is serving county residents. Completing this survey will help us determine how we can improve customer service and accessibility. Your responses will remain confidential and will not affect any assistance you receive.
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Date of Contact
Time of Contact
Type of Contact
Please indicate all programs from which you receive benefits:
For the statements below, rate your interaction with all programs from which you receive benefits:
Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree
Does Not Apply
Overall, I am satisfied with the customer service I received.
I was treated with courtesy and respect.
The worker responded to my needs in a timely manner.
Programs and Services were clearly explained to me.
The workers listened to my concerns.
My questions were answered to my satisfaction.
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How long did you have to wait to see a worker?
Was this wait time acceptable for you?
Are you aware of the external drop box?
If yes for which program(s)?
Overall how would you rate the service you received?
How can we improve our service? Please explain.
Your feedback is very beneficial as we continually strive to improve our performance.  Thank you for participating in this survey.
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