Welcome to the HAI SING CATHOLIC SCHOOL Parents Support Group... Join Us Now!
Hai Sing Catholic School Parents Support Group is a Non-Profit PSG... a band of parents alike that come together to brainstorm for ideas and to execute and assist the school in their yearly activities and programmes where applicable.

To be in partnership with Hai Sing Catholic School to enhance and enrich the education of our children by supporting the directives and challenges of the school.

• To develop and maintain links among teachers, parents and students of the school.
• To keep parents informed of the activities, programmes, policies and developments in the school.
• To collaborate with the school in efforts to educate the students through our support, participation and organisation of activities.
• To enhance the school's resources for the benefit of the students.
• To encourage social interaction among parents, teachers, students and other stakeholders of the school.
• To help and assist parents alike throughout our children's Hai Sing years.

• Sec 1 Campfire Orientation Get-To-Know PSG
• Chinese New Year Welcoming Meeting for all PSG with our School Leaders
• Sports Carnival
• Encouragement Packing for Graduating Students
• Teacher's Day Gifts Packing
• Leadership Camps Volunteering
• PSG Update Meetings
• WhatsApp Support Groups

If you share Our Mission & Objectives above and want to be part of this Family... to receive the latest news, collaborations and to join our PSG Parents Bonding Sessions and to participate in School Activities, please fill up your details below and submit to us... we welcome you with open arms... 💖💖💖

Alternatively, if you have specific questions, you can reach out to me via email: hscpcg@gmail.com

Welcome onboard...💕
Mdm Anjanette Huan
Parent Support Group,
Hai Sing Catholic School
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Email *
Name of Parent: *
Parent Handphone contact: *
Parent Occupation & Profession: *
Spouse Name: (optional)
Spouse Handphone contact: (optional)
( If more than one child, please submit another form)
Name of Student *
Class of Student *
Student's CCA: *
Year Enrolled in Hai Sing Catholic School *
All Communications are only through WhatsApp.
Do you want to be in our Hai Sing PSG whatsapp chat group? *
To be informed of school activities and updates, as well as to gather assistance from fellow PSG Members.
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