Normal Memorial Library, and Fayette Community Education
for Development, in conjunction with the Fayette Local School will
be working together to provide an exuberant After School Adventures program during the 2024/2025 school year. Community Education for Development will be providing Learning Friends at the Fayette Church
of the Nazarene which is an exciting program that includes teacher directed tutoring and project learning. The Library's program offers interactive learning opportunities that create a memorable experience. Therefore, our collective programs give
students a chance to listen to stories, play games, socialize, craft,
and learn through observations of various STEAM, dramatic play, and
sensory activities.
After School Collaboration begins the week of September 16th and concludes April 29th. The programs will follow Fayette School schedule for weather cancellations and holidays.
Normal Memorial Library phone number - 419-237-2115
Learning Friends/Becky Short phone number - 419-572-6516
Library After School Programs
Preschoolers meet Tuesdays @ 6:30pm - 7:00pm
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade meet Tuesdays @ 3:15pm - 4:00pm
3rd - 4th Grade meet Thursdays @ 3:15pm - 4:00pm
Tween Events - 5th-8th Grade Only - Monthly - Dates TBA
Learning Friends Programs
K-6th Grades meet Mondays from 3:15-5:30pm
3rd-6th Grades meet Tuesdays from 3:15-5:30pm with Grades K-2nd joining after library @ 4:15-5:30pm
K-2nd, 5th-6th Grades meet Thursdays from 3:15-5:30pm with Grades 3rd-4th joining at 4:15-5:30pm
Grade appropriate Computer Coding Projects - Grades 3 - 12.
Note: Projects are open to all grades K-12 but working groups will be age appropriate.
Transportation will be provided from the School to the Church by Fayette School bus.
will be provided from the Library to the Church for students signed up for both programs by church van.
Meals provided @ Fayette Church of the Nazarene
Snacks provided @ Normal Memorial Library