Music4theCure Teacher Sign-up
Email *
Name (First and Last) *
Email Address *
What instrument would you like to teach?
How many years of experience have you had learning/practicing the instrument you would like to teach? *
Location (City and State) *
Time Zone *
Do you have a device (computer, smartphone, tablet) with a built-in microphone/camera?  *
Please note that because the lessons are online, you will need to have a device.
Do you have a reliable internet connection?*
Please note that because the lessons are online, you will need to have reliable internet connection.
What is your availability to give lessons?  Note: It will be easier to find a student match for you if you indicate more times/days you are available.
How did you learn about Music4theCure?
Thank you for your interest in being a part of Music4theCure!  We will be in touch with an introduction in a week or two.  We are a student organization with volunteers and appreciate your patience!
Music4theCure is a student-run organization with  high school student volunteers who want to spread the joy of music for a good cause.  Music4theCure does not perform background checks on the students or their parents. By submitting this form, you agree to assume all risks associated with online lessons, including without limitation any and all of the risks associated with any online or offline interactions with our students and their parents.
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