Junior Entrepreneurship Bootcamp- 2.0
Junior Entrepreneurship Bootcamp- 2021 is a two days entrepreneurship camp that gives children the opportunity to develop and implement their entrepreneurial skills. The Bootcamp is developed to provide young people (i.e. Class XI-XII, HSC Passed and students from Polytechnic Institute) with an entrepreneurial experience using the activities and business simulation as a platform towards discovering their own personal qualities, characteristics and attitudes as an entrepreneur.

Payment options:
Registration Fee: BDT 200
Registration Deadline: 23 September 2021

You can pay by Bkash at 01632319331 (Please choose send money option)
Please pay first before filling this form as you will need to write Transection ID (say the ID is like 1D22LI8C3G for Bkash).

Why Participate in JEB 2.0??
E-CERTIFICATE: All the participants of JEB will get e-certificates
SCHOLARSHIP: Potential ideas will get the scholarship opportunities to do Bachelors from the Dept. of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at DIU.
MENTORSHIP: Work under the mentorship of top-notch mentors and be a part of the Junior Entrepreneurship Club
COURSES: Opportunities to do the top courses offered by edX- the largest massive online course platform in the world.

Contact Us:
Mobile: 01632319331
Email: asif.de@diu.edu.bd, beauty.de@diu.edu.bd
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Bkash transaction ID (Example: ID is like 1D22LI8C3G for Bkash) (Bkash: 01632319331) *
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