Trust & Safety Vendor Survey

Digital rights advocates at the Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) are surveying TSPA members who work at trust and safety service providers to understand how they interact with civil society and to find potential areas of collaboration. The results of this survey will be shared with digital rights civil society organizations to tailor their work to make it more relevant to trust and safety service providers.

If you want to learn more about this project, please contact Gabriel Nicholas at or Aliya Bhatia at

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Do you work at a company or organization that offers trust and safety services? *
How many full time employees work at your organization?
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Which types of trust and safety services does your organization offer? Select all that apply.
To the best of your knowledge, which best describes your organization’s current relationship with civil society organizations working in the digital rights space?
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To the best of your knowledge, which best describes your organization’s familiarity with the materials digital rights civil society organizations publish about trust and safety best practices?
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To the best of your knowledge, which best describes how your organization incorporates recommendations from digital rights civil society organizations on trust and safety best practices?
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To the best of your knowledge, which describes your organization’s level of interest in receiving input and feedback from with digital rights civil society organizations on trust and safety best practices?
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To the best of your knowledge, which describes your organization's relationship with the following best practice documents:
Very familiar, incorporate them into our practices.
Familiar, have referred to them on occasion
Have heard of them but never used them
Have not heard of them
Santa Clara Principles
UN Guiding Principles for Business & Human Rights
Rabat Plan of Action
Change the Terms
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What kinds of feedback, resources, and/or materials from digital rights civil society organizations would help you most? (Optional)
What barriers prevent you from seeking feedback or advice from digital rights civil society organizations? (Optional)
If you are familiar with the Santa Clara Principles, how useful and/or relevant are they to your work? How might you suggest they be adapted to better help trust and safety service providers? (Optional)
Please share anything else you’d like us to know.
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