Class-8,Women Caste and Reform
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Q1) Painted by a European artist who came to India, this was one of the many pictures of a religious practice, a social evil that existed in ancient India. Identify the name of the practice *
1 point
Q2) Name the uppermost caste in the social ladder that existed in ancient India *
1 point
Q3) Among the following, which class belonged to the traders and money lenders *
1 point
Q4) Name the class that belonged to the lower most strata in the social ladder of ancient India *
1 point
Q5) With respect to ancient India, a list of statements related to the untouchables are given below. Point out the one that is not TRUE. *
1 point
Q6) An image of a popular reformer who founded a reform association Brahmo Samaj is given below. Name this personality. *
1 point
Q7) Montheism means *
1 point
Q8) Few important points with respect to Raja Ram Mohan Roy are given below. Select the one that is NOT TRUE . *
1 point
Q9) Who has been referred as the Prophet of Indian Nationalism? *
1 point
Q10) Under which Governor General did Raja Ram Mohan Roy initiate to ban Sati? *
1 point
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