Teacher Digital Tool Recommendation

We are looking for a digital content creation tool or any digital tool that has resulted in digital content being created by you for your classroom. 

We plan to include all of the recommended tools on our TD3C website to share with other teachers throughout Europe. 

Project Information: TD3C is a 2.5  year Erasmus+ project that focuses on teacher creation of digital content. It aims to identify the competencies which enable teachers to create digital content and will work with teachers to trial and iterate a related framework which scaffolds teachers in digital content creation. It will produce teacher education materials to support the realisation of the identified competencies by the teachers participating in the project and resources targeted at pre-service teachers to scale the project outcomes.

Contact us at info@td3c.eu for more information. 

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Your Name
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Name of your School.
Tell us about yourself. (Short bio, including your teaching experience, subjects, class sizes, etc.)
As part of the TD3C outputs, we plan to add all of the digital tools suggested by teachers on our website so that other teachers can avail of the tools at any time. We would also like to personalise these to include the teacher's details (Name, Location, School, and Bio). 

Please confirm below if you would be happy for us to share these details online. Please note that your email will never be shared publicly. 
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