LA Forward is working on our strategic plan and we want your input and ideas!
It's really important to us that we get input from our members and our community to see what we’re doing well and whether we can improve and grow.  We’re also eager to learn more about our community's demographics.

We would be so grateful if you fill out this survey by Sunday, November 10

You may choose to complete the survey anonymously. If you choose to share your name, we will keep your responses strictly private and they won't be shared with anyone outside the leadership of the LA Forward family of organizations.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
How would you describe LA Forward to a friend, family member, or co-worker who shares your values?
What does LA Forward do well, in your opinion?
How could LA Forward improve, in your opinion? What should we do more of or less of?
What would you want LA Forward to look, feel, and act like in 2030, if we grow significantly?
Where did you first learn about LA Forward?
Where do you typically go to receive information and updates from LA Forward? 
How do you prefer to engage with LA Forward? Please rate each option on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the least preferred and 5 being the most preferred.
Keeping up-to-date through emails and social media
Educational guides (LA101, Voter Guide) & Journalism ("Report Forward"; "What's Next, LA?")
Social events (picnics, happy hours)
Zoom learning events
In-person learning events
Digital actions (sending messages to elected officials)
In-person actions (press conferences, rallies, public comment at council)
In-person conferences, fairs, and summits
Working group focused on a specific issue (housing, climate, unarmed crisis response, etc.)
Academies / cohort-based leadership development
Donating money
Clear selection
How likely are you to take action on the different issues? Please rate them on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the least likely and 5 being the most likely.
Housing and homelessness
Unarmed crisis response
Environment and climate
Transportation and mobility
Workers rights & economic justice
Supporting street vendors and micro-entrepreneurs
Criminal justice reform
Investing in our public schools
Increasing green space, parks, and trees
Governance & campaign finance reform for your city
Governance & campaign finance reform for the County of LA
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On a scale of 1 - 5, how likely are you to recommend LA Forward materials (voter guide, social media content, etc) to people who share your values?
Very Likely
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On a scale of 1 - 5, how likely are you to recommend getting involved directly in LA Forward education, organizing, and action to people who share your values? 
Very Likely
Clear selection
On a scale of 1 - 5, how knowledgeable would you consider yourself when it comes to politics, government, and policy in the L.A. region? 
Not at all knowledgable
Extremely knowledgeable
Clear selection
On a scale of 1 - 5, how much to you identify with the word 'progressive'?
Not at all
Very much so
Clear selection
Demographic Data
We ask for this demographic data for two reasons. First, we're genuinely curious about who is part of our community and and it helps us plan our work together. And second, prospective funders frequently ask the demographics of our community and we want to give them the most accurate answers possible.
What is your zip code?  *
Age *
How long have you lived in the LA region?
What is your level of formal education? (If you’re currently enrolled in school, please indicate the highest degree you have received.)

How would you report your race on an official U.S. census survey? Please check all that apply. (We recognize the historically-contingent, imperfect, and sometimes problematic nature of these categories and will view all this data within this particular context.)

How would you self-describe your ethnicity? 
What language(s) do you speak other than English, if any? 
What is your gender?

What is your sexual orientation?

What is your annual household income?

What is your self-identified social class? Please check all that you feel apply.

What is your marital/partnership status?

Please check the boxes that best describe your housing status.


Please check the boxes for all the categories that apply to you.

Are you a donor or dues-paying member with LA Forward?
If you're willing to be contacted about your survey answers to elaborate and talk more, please put your name, as well as email address and/or phone number below. (If you choose to share your name, we will keep your responses strictly private and they won't be shared with anyone outside the leadership of the LA Forward family of organizations.)

If you are interested in receiving a free shiny, sturdy, union-made LA Forward mug, please enter your name and postal mailing address below. We're offering mugs to the to the first 30 people who fill it out survey.  (If you choose to share your name, we will keep your responses strictly private and they won't be shared with anyone outside the leadership of the LA Forward family of organizations.)
Anything else you'd like to share with us?
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