An Embodied Astrology Weekend       
Registration form
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Which weekend will you be attending?
Venue details will be sent upon registration
First & Second Name *
Address (City and Country) *
Contact Phone number (please include country code) *
Email *
Emergency contact *
The following questions are needed to created your personal chart. This information will be deleted and not used after the workshop.
Date of Birth (this is used for your personal chart) include: DAY / MONTH / YEAR *
Place of birth (city and country) *
Time of Birth if known (please be specific with hour and minutes and whether its am or pm) *
Please bring something to share for a community lunch
morning and afternoon tea will be provided

Bank transfer via:
Kate Mutsaers
Teachers Mutual Bank
BSB: 812 170
Account: 37685

Please write your name in the bank transfer reference 

Please inform Kate-Marie once transfer is complete so she can confirm your payment and send receipt:

Once registered Kate-Marie will confirm your payment and send further information 

Comments, requests or anything else we should know

For further information or any questions please contact:

Kate-Marie Mutsaers -

or phone 0451 656 271

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