I am a startup that would like to benefit from La Foundry services
Only the startups that meet these criteria to be considered for admission:
  • Formed with a team
  • Registered or incorporated
  • Whose project is in pre-commercialization or commercialization
  • Have an MVP, working prototype or finished product or service
  • Meet at least one of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (for more information on the SDGs, visit: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/)
  • Are ready to be evaluated by a selection committee
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1. Name of the Startup *
2. Website or Linkedin page *
3. City *
4. Province *
5. Full name of the contact *
6. Contact email *
7. What are your needs for the next 3 months? *
8. What is your stage of development? *
9. How many cofounders are you? *
10. What is your field of activity? *
11. Optional - Please share with us the link(s) to the documents you think are relevant to help us better evaluate you (Pitch Deck, Articles, etc ...)
One link per line, please.

12. Have you already talked to a La Foundry team member? If so, please tell us who and where you had the chance to meet.

13. Do you have any questions or requests for La Foundry, Desjardins, Montreal Newtech or its network of partners?

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