"Whale Kit for Home" Zoom Calls
These Zoom calls are designed to be a way that the kids can learn a little bit more, ask questions, and just engage with other children who like whales! They will last 30-45 minutes depending on how many kids join. I'd love to see what they have done in their books or pictures of what they have completed. If they have questions, that's fantastic. I'll try to use pictures and videos to answer their questions. If you have multiple children that will join, please sign them up in a separate form so that I can account for names and individuals.


I look forward to meeting your children!

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What is the email that you used to purchase the Whale Kit? (This is to prevent unknown people from joining.) *
What is your child's first name? (Please have their name written when you sign in to Zoom so that I know it is your child.) *
How old is your child? *
What Zoom would you like to sign up for? I'll send out the Zoom link 24 hours ahead of time. *
If these dates don't work, please suggest another time that is better for you.
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