Student Feedback : Katahguri College
This questionaries' is intended to collect information relating to your satisfaction towards facilities and services provided by the college for creating conducive atmosphere for teaching and learning. This information provided by you will be kept confidential and will be used as important feedback for quality improvement of the programme of studies / institution.
Email *
Name *
Email ID *
Session *
Course Tittle *
Semester *
Department *
G.U. Roll No *
Mobile No *
1. Do the teachers complete the entire syllabus in time? *
2. Do the teachers prepare the class thoroughly *
3. Are you satisfied with the quality of teaching offered by the college. *
4. Are the teachers always effectively well communicative in the class? *
5. Are internal assessments conducted as per schedule? *
6. Are the prescribed books/ reading materials available in the library? *
7. Are you satisfied with the examination of the college? *
8. Are you satisfied with the cooperation from the administrative staff. *
9. Are Internet facilities available in the college? *
10. Do you feel proud to be associated with this college? *
11. Give Comments *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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