How We Are Keeping Our Clubs On Track
Share your tips for the smooth running of bushwalking clubs!

Bushwalking NSW is ran a presentation/workshop session on Tuesday 20 February, 2018 called "Keeping Your Club On Track". We shared our club's tips, stories, tricks and ideas, about how to Keep Your Club On Track, and you can see these on our website:

We would love to hear your story/tip/idea/approach using this form so we can add your tips to our website and share them with other clubs. So get involved and share your best experiences!

All questions/answers are optional.

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Club name
My name (optional)
My email address
 (Optional but needed if you'd like follow-up, a prize, and thanks :-)
The best thing/s that our club does to make our club run well/smoothly is
eg. Promotes a culture of respect for each other. Uses humour wherever possible. Has clear roles and responsibilities. Has simple, no fuss procedures. Provides excellent training. Awards leaders. Puts fun social events on the program. Provides clear and concise instructions. Acknowledges everyone's contributions. Gets things done together.
The most entertaining/fun thing our club does, or has done, is
eg. Gives funny prizes away at the annual club Christmas party that identify significant member contributions and helps everyone get to know each other better. Meets at Newnes for an annual weekend get-together of walking, canyoning, talking, and carousing. Puts on its own club band bush dances.
The way our club handles conflict, complaints, issues or potential issues is
eg. Keeps email communication on the matter brief and factual. The committee meets face-to-face to discuss serious issues and everyone who attends is given an equal amount of time to speak on the matter. Seeks accurate information from appropriate authorities early on to ensure we know what the issues are and what we need to do.
(optional) I think the way our club runs is
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