Pro Bono Attorney Questionnaire
If you have any questions about filling out this questionnaire, please e-mail Hans Maverick at .
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Email *
Full Name *
Nickname / Preferred Name *
Preferred Pronouns *
State Bar Number (Enter N/A if you're a member of the NOVA program) *
Year Admitted to Texas Bar (Enter the year you were admitted to any Bar association if you're a member of the NOVA Program) *
Firm/Organization *
E-mail Address *
Phone Number (to be used by TFDP Staff) *
Phone Number (to be used by clients) *
Address (to be used by TFDP Staff) *
Why do you want to be a Pro Bono Attorney with Texas Fair Defense Project? *
What do you hope to gain from being involved with the program? (Ex. giving back, in-person court experience, negotiation experience, drafting experience, expanding network, etc.) *
Primary Practice Area *
Please list any other languages you speak (well enough to communicate with a client) besides English.
What types of cases are you interested in taking? Note: case type preferences will be taken into account but cases will be distributed based on current need and availability  *
I would be interested in hearing about other opportunities related to:
Please select the choice that most closely reflects your experience with Class C misdemeanors. *
Please select the choice that most closely reflects your experience with criminal record clearing (expunctions and nondisclosures). *
In what county do you primarily practice? (please only include one) If you're nonpracticing, write the county where you currently live. *
Do you normally practice in the contiguous counties? *
Have you ever been a prosecutor in Texas? *
If you have served as a paid or pro bono prosecutor, please list the agency or agencies for which you prosecuted (ex. Harris County District Attorney, Travis County Attorney etc.).
Have you or your Firm represented a county or court in a matter involving collection of fines? *
Do you have any professional affiliations (ex. Austin Young Lawyers Association, El Paso Bar Association)? Please list them.
How did you hear about TFDP's Pro Bono Program? *
Please give more detail about how you heard about TFDP's Pro Bono Program if asked to do so in the question above.
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