Volunteer Interest Form
Thank you for showing interest in volunteering with our organization! We couldn't serve the people that we do without the amazing help of volunteers, such as yourself. Please fill out this form with your contact information and in what ways you would be interested in volunteering!

The safety of our families is always our primary concern. For that reason, ALL volunteers must complete a background check through our preferred service provider, Assure Hire, IF interacting with the families or volunteering inside the shelter. There will be no exceptions to this policy. There are some opportunities that do no require background checks. 

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email our community engagement coordinator, Junie Vargas, at JVargas@charlottefamilyhousing.org. Looking forward to connect with you!
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Volunteer With Us!
Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Are you 18+ years old? *
In what ways would you be interested in getting involved in?  *
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