Grant Software Engineer (job application for Survival and Flourishing Projects)
This application is for the following job posting:

If you're unsure about what to write on your application, don't be nervous... just take your best guess :)  If your application is promising, we'll contact you for an interview.  Prior to interviews, we likely won't have much bandwidth to answer questions, but after that stage we will.  

If you encounter problems with this application, please write to

Thanks for applying!
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Email *
Your legal full name: *
Your preferred full name: *
Your phone number *
Include country code, e.g. "+1 234 999 9999".  Provide this only if you're okay with us calling about your application :)  In particular, we may call you on this number to schedule a time for an interview.
Your preferred pronouns *
When discussing your application, as early as possibly we'd like to get into the habit of using whichever pronouns you prefer.
Current position and place of employment or study *
E.g. "Software engineer at Google", "PhD student in computer science at Stanford".  If unemployed, say so, but also describe your most recent employment, e.g., "Unemployed; most recently a machine learning engineer at Facebook".
US work authorization *
We are not able to offer US visas at this time, nor employment outside the US.  However, we can hire remote contractors outside the US.  If working outside the US, you will need to operate more autonomously than if hired within the US.
(optional) US work authorization comments
Optionally you can provide additional comments on your work authorization.  Please do this if you selected "Other" above.
Work location preference *
Any location is okay!  SFP mostly operates from the Berkeley/SF area.
(optional) Work location comments
Optionally you can provide additional comments on your work location.  Please do this if you selected "Other" above.
We're open to candidates with a range of educational backgrounds, especially if you have solid coding experience in the areas we need.  So, please don't be intimidated by these questions if you're a star coder who dropped out of high school :)
Highest level of education completed *
(optional) Bachelor's degree, institution and department or major
If you have a Bachelor's degree, please name the degree, school and department here, e.g. "BS, Yale, Molecular Biophysics"
(optional) Master's institution and department or major
If you have a Master's degree, please name the degree, school and department here, e.g. "ME, Harvard, Computer Science & Engineering"
(optional) Doctoral degree, institution and department
If you have a doctoral degree (e.g., PhD, JD, MD), please name the degree, institution, and department (e.g, "PhD, Columbia, Computer Science")
(optional) Your scholar page
If you have a Google Scholar page, please provide it here.  If you only have a Semantic Scholar page, please provide that instead.  If neither, please leave this field blank.
(optional) Your LinkedIn
If you have a LinkedIn page, please provide it here.
(optional) PDF resume
If you maintain a linkable PDF copy of your resume, please provide the link to it here.
(optional) Your homepage
If you have a homepage relevant to your professional interests, please provide it here.
(optional) Data science
Experience with machine learning counts as data science experience.
(optional) Experience coding with large matrices or data arrays (≤500 chars)
Have you written code for data science applications involving mathematical operations on large matrices or arrays of numbers?  If so, please describe.
(optional) Code sample for data science
If you can link to some code you've written for data science, please do so here.
(optional) Full-stack web development
(optional) Experience with full-stack web development (≤500 chars)
Have you ever developed the full software stack of a web or mobile application?  If so, please describe.
(optional) Application sample
If possible, please link to a web app for which you developed the full software stack yourself.
(optional) User account management experience
Experience with machine learning counts as data science experience.
(optional) User account management experience or aptitude (≤500 chars)
Have you built software that manages user accounts with private data, e.g, using a "Sign in with Google" prompt?  If not, do you think you could learn quickly?   Please describe.
(optional) Code sample that best shows your aptitude for user account management
Please link to a coding project that you've previously worked on that shows you're up to the challenge of managing user accounts with private data.   It doesn't have to directly involve user accounts if you think it shows you're capable of learning the area quickly.
Statement of interest [≤500 chars] *
Please describe in ≤500 characters why you are interested in this job.
(optional) Other code sample
If you wish, you may provide a link to a GitHub repository or other library of code on which you were the primary contributor.
(optional) Relevant award [≤500 chars]
If you've won one or more awards or prizes showing technical skills, please describe here in ≤500 characters the one you think is most impressive (e.g., "I won the following Kaggle competition: <url>", "I was the high school state champion in Math Counts in Texas").
(optional) Technical writing sample
If you like, you may provide a link to a sample of technical writing from a project where you were primarily responsible for the technical (i.e. mathematical, statistical, or algorithmic) details.  For instance, a link to a published conference paper or arXiv posting would be appropriate.
(optional) Video sample
If you wish, you may provide a link to a video of a presentation or research talk you've given.  Don't worry if none of your talks have been recorded; this is not a requirement.
Please provide the names and contact information for two people we could contact with questions about your application.  If possible, choose people you think we'd know and/or respect.  If you don't know who that would be, choose people you respect who could answer questions about your work experience.
First name of reference #1 *
Last name of reference #1 *
Relationship of reference #1 to you *
(e.g. "PhD advisor", "friend", "former co-worker", "former college professor", ...)
Institution of reference #1 *
Email of reference #1 *
(optional) Homepage of reference #1
First name of reference #2 *
Last name of reference #2 *
Relationship of reference #2 to you *
(e.g. "PhD advisor", "friend", "former co-worker", "former college professor", ...)
Institution of reference #2 *
Email of reference #2 *
(optional) Homepage of reference #2
Thanks for applying!
Contact permission *
Please confirm that it's okay for us to contact you and/or your references about this application.
(optional) Passing on your resume
Occasionally other companies in our network are looking for talented engineers.  If we think you might be a good fit for a role at another company we know, would you like us to pass on your name, email address, and resume to them so they can contact you if they're interested?
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(optional) Questions for us? [≤500 chars]
Is there anything you'd like to ask us about?  Feel free to ask anything here, and we can answer during the interview process.
(optional) Anything else? [≤500 chars]
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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