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NERDS 2023 Volunteer Signup
Signup to help at NERD Summit 2023.
We will contact you with more details after you submit this form.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Your answer
Days you can volunteer
Friday, March 17
Saturday, March 18
Sunday, March 19
Volunteer job(s) you are interested in doing (location is
ISB building
at UMass Amherst):
Thursday (March 16) afternoon setup: 60 minutes, starts at 4PM.
Morning setup: 30-60 minutes, starts at 7AM on Friday, 8AM Saturday (no setup needed on Sunday).
End of day break down: 30-60 minutes, 5PM on Friday and Saturday.
Room monitor: get to session room 15 minutes before it starts, help speaker if needed, instructions provided. Note you can pick the sessions to monitor.
Registration table. Sit at the table to help with registration and questions (1 hour time-blocks)
Lunch monitor: simply make sure people are making 2 lines at lunch table and answer any questions.
Send me a copy of my responses.
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