Supporting the Dyslexic Child" : facilitated by Alison Awes and hosted by MIB

Dear Friends,
Greetings from Montessori Institute of Bangalore.

We are delighted to host a two days online workshop on “Supporting the Dyslexic Child" by Ms.Alison Awes, AMI 6-12 Trainer.

Children with dyslexic children need sequential, multi-sensory and explicit experience with the sounds and symbols of our language to read fluently. The richly prepared environment provides a plethora of language experiences for the primary and elementary aged child. This workshop will cover characteristics of dyslexia, recommendations of the US National Reading Panel, and how to support the dyslexic child in a Children’s House and then through Cosmic Education.

Suggested Audience : (3-12) Teachers, Assistants, Administrators, Parents.
Date: 15th and 16th February, 2024 (Thursday and Friday)
Time: 6:00pm to 9:00pm (IST)
Fees: Indian Nationals Rs.7,250/- per participant. Group registration (minimum 3 participants): Rs.6,450/- per participant.
Foreign Nationals fees: $135 per participant. Group registration (minimum 3 participants): US$115 per participant

Certificate: Each participant will be issued a "Certificate of Attendance"
Payment can be done through Bank Transfer or Google pay to:
'Montessori Institute of Bangalore'
Current Account No.: 89490200000692, 
Bank of Baroda, Gandhi Bazaar branch, Bangalore.
IFSC code: BARB0VJGABZ (*there is a zero in between)

Once registered the payment is non-transferable and non-refundable.

Kindly note that the seats for this workshop are limited hence registration will be on a first come first serve basis. Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. We look forward to your participation.
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