All groups with over 10 people should make a reservation by filling out the form below. Reservations require a minimum of three weeks' notice.

These tours are free with Museum Admission. 

See our Visit page for information about parking and accessibility.

Check our website for more information about current and upcoming exhibitions:

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Email *
Contact Name *
Contact Email *
Contact Phone *
Name of group or organization: (If applicable)
Number of attendees
PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept requests for self-guided adult groups with more than 35 people. We ask that groups with five people or more should make one payment for the whole group at our front desk on the day of the program.
Tell us a little more about your group *
PLEASE NOTE: We do not take requests during exhibition install periods which take place in mid-January, mid-May, and mid-September each year.  Visit our about current and upcoming exhibitions pages to view exhibition dates and information.
Preferred Date (First Option) | For guided tours please select Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays. Limited availability on weekends. *
Preferred Date (Second Option) | For guided tours please select Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays. Limited availability on weekends.
Preferred Time | Please select a time during open hours between 11 am and 5 pm *
Tour Type *
For guided tours only: is there any particular concept or exhibition you'd like the guide to focus on during the tour? *
Documentation of tours and workshops helps us to promote and gain support for our programs. May an education team members photograph or film your group during your visit? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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