EmP Hackfest 2025 Registration Form 
(Please take your time to read this section, it has important information for this hackathon)



Thank you for registering for our hackathon! A hackathon is an event where participants work together in a short period of time to create a tech-related product aimed to solve a real-world problem.

This virtual event will take place from February 16th to 17th, 2025 (Sunday to Monday), on Discord and Zoom. All times for this event will be Pacific Standard Time (PST, GMT-8).

At 8:30AM on February 16th, the event theme will be revealed during our opening ceremony. From February 16th to 17th, participants will work in their teams to create a project that solves the real-world issue presented in the opening ceremony. Additionally, there are numerous workshops hosted by experts scattered across these two days that teach participants various skills like coding and marketing.

At 5:00PM on February 17th, teams will submit their projects to Devpost. Judging will start at 5:30PM, where teams present their solutions, and judges will select the winners. The awards ceremony will be at 9:00PM of February 17th, and winners will receive awards and recognition!

Participants must be in grades 6-12 (middle schoolers and high schoolers only). Participants will be in groups of 2 - 5. You can sign up with a team, or you can sign up alone and we will put you in a team. If you are signing up with a team, please have only one team member fill out this form. Participating in this event is a large commitment of time and effort, so please make sure your schedule is free during the event -- make sure that you are able to commit to this event before registration.

Prizes are awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams. The money is split across the whole team.
Prizes are not yet finalized. Details will be released soon.

Sponsor Awards
Sponsor Awards are not yet finalized. Details will be released soon.

We would appreciate participants registering by Wednesday, February 12th at 11:59 PM PST.

For more information, see our website. Please email us at emp.hackathon@gmail.com with any questions.

We hope you enjoy!
The EmP Hackfest Team
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Email *
What is the first and last name of the participant?
Who is completing this registration form?
If you are a parent/guardian signing up your child for this event, please confirm that they wish to participate before signing up. 
What is the grade of the participant? (follow format)
The grade the student is in for the 2024-25 school year.

If signing up with a team, please input the grade of the oldest team member.
What is the participant's familiarity level with programming?
No experience at all
Quite knowledgeable
What is the participant's email?
We will be emailing you information about the hackathon, so be sure to check it frequently!
What is the participant's discord username?
If the participant does not have a Discord account, please make one soon, as communication during the event will be through Discord. 

If the participant does have an account, please join our Discord server at http://discord.gg/zZBXUaKADD
What is the parent's email?
What is a phone number we can use to contact you? (for emergencies only)
How did you come to know about our event?
How many students are you signing up with?
Select the total amount of team members you are signing up with. If you are signing up solo, select 1, and we will assign you to a team.
Do you have any questions about the hackathon?
Is there anything the hackathon team should be aware of?
Would you like to be added to the mailing list (for future events)?
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