Pre-Intermediate Level Test from L & I
Pre-Intermediate Level Test
1. I can’t help thinking about it *
10 points
2. I … in Chesswood for five years. *
10 points
3. My cousins from Australia … to stay next month. *
10 points
4. … you ever … Irish whiskey? *
10 points
5. Did you watch the football match last night? It was really… *
10 points
6. Ann …. forward to a relaxing weekend. *
10 points
7. Walt Disney … the character of Mickey Mouse about eighty years ago. *
10 points
8. Anywhere … I go I see your face. *
10 points
9. You certainly played your part in the scene … *
14 points
10. … black costume you bought last month suits you better. *
10 points
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