Data Request for Simply Solved
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Email *
Your Name: *
When do you need this by?   (Please provide as much notice as possible for your data requests.  We prefer one week's notice, but we require at least 24 to 48 business-hours.) *
Purpose of Data Request *
What type of constituents do you want to INCLUDE? *
What Constituent Codes do you want to INCLUDE? *
What Constituent Codes do you want to EXCLUDE? *
Please select the solicit codes you want to EXCLUDE from your list. *
Describe any additional criteria for what records you want to INCLUDE or EXCLUDE:
We will export the data using our Master Export which includes ID's, Name, Primary Addressee, Primary Salutation, Preferred Address, Emails, Phones, Constituent Codes, Basic Giving Information - Is there anything else you want to be sure is included in your Export? 
Any additional notes regarding this request?
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