Holy Innocents Funeral Planning
The Holy Innocents community extends condolences to you and your loved ones during this time of loss. We are also honored to share this part of your journey with you.

We offer you this form to facilitate your preparations for the Funeral Mass, insofar as you may have preferences regarding the readings, music, and roles. Alternatively, you may wish to leave the decisions and roles entirely up to the clergy and musicians. In that case, kindly check the first checkbox below to indicate that preference.

Please let us know if there's any further way we can be of assistance. The parish office is currently open 9am - 3:30pm Mon-Fri to receive phone calls (914.769.0025) and answer emails (office@hiparish.org).
Email *
Name of Person completing form *
Name of Deceased *
If you prefer to leave the details of the Funeral Mass to the clergy and musicians, please check the box below and then scroll to the bottom of the form to select "Submit this Form"
First Reading. No need to print the text, as we will have it prepared. To see these readings, and for additional text options, see http://bit.ly/396voYm *
Second Reading. No need to print the text, as we will have it prepared. To see these readings, and for additional text options, see http://bit.ly/3iHnnwb *
Whom you would like to proclaim the two readings? Or simply write "priest" if you prefer the clergy to recite the readings. *
Whom you would like to read the prayer of the faithful? Or simply write "priest" if you prefer the clergy to recite the prayer. *
Would you like a family member to bring up the bread and wine at the offertory?
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Music Selections for the Entrance Hymn: [Choose one]
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Responsorial Psalm Settings
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Offertory Hymn: [Choose one]
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Communion Hymn: [Choose one] *
Hymn at Final Commendation
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Recessional Hymn: [Choose one] *
Thank you for filling out this form. Do you have any other questions, comments, or concerns? Please note them here. We look forward to joining you for the Funeral Mass.
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