Disabled Founders & Entrepreneurs Survey
If you require this survey in an alternative format please do not hesitate to contact Access2Funding.
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What is your name? (optional)
What is your email address so that we can keep you up to date?
What is the name of your company?
What is your geographical location?
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What is your geographical location if you based in the UK?
Please define your disability or long term health condition (check as many as applicable)
We are also exploring intersectionality in relation to disabled founders & entrepreneurs, if you feel comfortable in doing so, please describe how you identify.
Have you tried to raise capital previously?
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If yes, what was the amount of capital you were going to raise. Please state your currency in 'Other'.
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At what stage are you at in your investment journey?
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Were you successful in raising all of the required capital?
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If not, why were you not able to raise capital?
Do you think there is a lack of visibility around disabled founders & entrepreneurs?
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Do you feel that as a disabled entrepreneur or founder you are treated equally to non-disabled entrepreneurs & founders in investment opportunities?
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As a disabled founder or entrepreneur do you believe that you have access to the same opportunities and resources as non-disabled founders and entrepreneurs?
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Do you think there's a lack of focus on investment opportunities for disabled founders & entrepreneurs?
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Do you currently employ disabled people?
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If you were able to access more funding would you start/hire more disabled people?
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Please tell us the biggest challenges you have faced as a disabled business founder or entrepreneur.
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