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Tennis Interest Form
Please fill out the form below, so I can plan appropriately for the season. I am so excited and it will be here before you know it! PARENT MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH 5:15PM in Library.
- Coach B.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Student Name
Your answer
7th Boys
8th Boys
7th Girls
8th Girls
Practice Preference
Morning - 6:30am start time
Afternoon - 5:15pm end time
Have you played tennis before?
(check all that apply)
On a team
In a league
Taken clinics or lessons
Just for fun
Never touched a raquet
Can you get your own transportation to tennis matches? They are at 4:30pm on various days of the week at NEISD Tennis Center (next to Blossom/Comalander Stadium)
Do you own a racquet?
No, but I plan on buying one that works for me.
No, I am going to need one
Anything else you would like to share with Coach B.
Your answer
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