Value of the Places
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1) In the number 35.056, the 5 in the ones place has a value that is ________ times more than the value of the 5 in the hundredths place. *
1 point
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2) In the number 9.101, the 1 in the tenths place has a value that is ________ times more than the value of the 1 in the thousandths place. *
1 point
3) In the number 369.603, the 3 in the hundreds place has a value that is ________ times more than the value of the 3 in the thousandths place. *
1 point
3) In the number 369.603, the 3 in the hundreds place has a value that is ________ times more than the value of the 3 in the thousandths place. *
1 point
4) In the number 78,950.809, the 9 in the thousandths place has a value that is ________ times LESS than the value of the 9 in the hundreds place. *
1 point
5) In the number 625,281.0241, the 2 in the hundredths place has a value that is ________ times LESS than the value of the 2 in the ten thousands place. *
1 point
6) Write a number that has a 6 in the tenths place. In that same number, write a number that has a value of 1,000 times more than the 6 in the tenths place. You cannot write more than two sixes.  Don't write unnecessary numbers. *
1 point
7) Write a number that has a 9 in the thousandths place. In that same number, write a number that has a value of 100,000 times more than the 9 in the thousandths place. You cannot write more than two nines. Don't write unnecessary numbers. *
1 point
8) Write a number that has a 1 in the thousands place. In that same number, write a number that has a value of 10,000 times LESS than the 1 in the thousands place. You cannot write more than two ones. Don't write unnecessary numbers. *
1 point
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