Class-11,Neural Control And Coordination
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Q1) Nissl’s granules are absent in : *
1 point
Q2) In the prosencephalon, first and second ventricles open into third ventricle by : *
1 point
Q3) The property which doesn’t belong to nerve fibres is : *
1 point
Q4) Hypothalamus helps to maintain homeostasis by controlling hunger, thirst, blood pressure, temperature feelings etc. So it is an important link between *
1 point
Q5) Brain stem is the support system of brain and is the collective name for : *
1 point
Q6) Due to refractory period , a nerve fibre in human body on an average transmits about : *
1 point
Q7) Read the following about the surface of cerebral hemispheres                                                                                         i. Is made up of the pia matter.                                                          ii. Is greatly convoluted and called the cerebral cortex. *
1 point
Q8) Label the arrows in the given diagram of the brain from top to bottom : *
1 point
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Q9) The band of nerve fibers that joins the two cerebral hemisphere in mammals is : *
1 point
Q10) Vermis is a portion of : *
1 point
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