Experiment Guide User Experience Survey
This survey pertains to your download/use of "Viceisza, A. 2012. Treating the field as a lab: A basic guide to economics experiments for policymaking. Food Security in Practice Technical Guide 7, Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute."
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If you are faculty, do you use the guide? Check all that apply. *
If you are a student, do you use the guide? Check all that apply. *
In a new iteration of the guide, what would you like to see more of? Check all that apply *
Is there anything else you would like to pass along? E.g. "I am a researcher (not faculty or a student) and use the guide for ..." or "I would be interested in providing more detailed feedback. Please follow up with me." or "I cite the guide in ..." If this question does not apply, enter "NA" or "Not Applicable". *
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